Fort Griffin Brisket Rub

As  any ‘smoker’ of brisket realizes the way to prepare this cut of beef is  low and slow. In the past, many a cut of beef from the longhorn herd or  the hearty bison of the region has been tenderized by seasonings and  applied heat at just the right temperature and timing. Even the toughest  piece of meat can be made delicious. This boneless cut of meat comes  from one of the least tender parts of the steer, the breast, where the  muscles come together to provide power for the legs of this sturdy beast  and support a large portion of the weight. It's one of the least tender  cuts of beef, but braised, smoked, or slowly roasted, it's rendered  soft and satisfying with incredible flavor. Add the flavor of the Fort  Griffin Brisket Rub from Ghost Town Products, and the result is a tasty,  melt-in-your-mouth, delicacy.

We  have named this brisket rub in honor of the Texas historical herd that  grazes the plains surrounding Fort Griffin and the historical  significance of the Fort and its long history of providing shelter for  tough pioneers who traveled along the trail or who settled this area,  warring Comanches and military skirmishes between the Northern and  Southern Armies and battles between outlaws and the sheriffs and  marshals of the Earp family and their friend and ally Doc Holiday.

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